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- HYPNOSIS SESSION- Perfectly Imperfect: Escape from Perfectionism to Embrace Who You Really Are (Group Session Feb. 17 @ 12PM EST)
HYPNOSIS SESSION- Perfectly Imperfect: Escape from Perfectionism to Embrace Who You Really Are (Group Session Feb. 17 @ 12PM EST)
Perfection is something people seem to strive for, but unfortunately it's the in achievable goal that leaves many people feeling lost, unworthy, or like they're not enough.
People often compare, and while comparison does have its uses, deciding how much 'better' one thing or action is than another is a tricky business.
How 'good' is 'good enough'?
Things can always be improved, and the pursuit of perfection, such a seemingly attractive ideal, can be poisonous in its effects.
Unsatisfied perfectionism (and it always is and always must be unsatisfied) can lead to a constant sense of failure in oneself, or corrosive dissatisfaction and disappointment with others. In short, perfectionists do not enjoy life.
This session allows you to find comfort, beauty and learnings in the imperfections of every day life, and in who you are.
Group sessions are performed over Zoom.
Each session lasts approximately 45 minutes.
All group sessions are recorded.
Those who sign up will receive a copy of the event as well as an audio for added reinforcements.
Can't make it in time? No problem. Each session is audio and video recorded and given to you to listen to at your own leisure.
NOTE: Each event is recorded so whether you attend on the specified date and time, or you catch it on a replay, that you can gain benefits (as well as reinforcement) in your own time.
If you are a person who loves hypnosis and loves the value of what that can create for you, you may want to take a look at subscribing to our weekly Membership Group!
*If you are a member, this session is already included as a part of your membership.
Click here for more info:
Mind-Over-Matters Membership Group